RV Winterization Tips to Keep Your RV in Great Condition

Winter is just around the corner! Many people love to head to warmer climates during the winter, but if you’re done with the road trips for the year, it’s time to winterize your RV. Winterizing your RV doesn’t have to be daunting or a hassle. Follow these easy RV winterization tips to get through the process easily.


Prepping the Tanks and Lines

  • Drain the tanks. First, drain your fresh water holding tank fully, followed by draining your black and grey holding tanks. Make sure to properly dispose of your black and grey water contents at a dump site.
  • Open faucets. Next, open both cold and hot water faucets throughout your RV, which allows air to circulate through the lines. Make sure to get every single faucet: shower, tub, and sinks in both the bathroom and kitchen.

RV Winterization

  • Blow air. Using an air compressor, blow air through the lines. If water remains in the lines, your antifreeze can be diluted and become ineffective. Close the faucets when you’re done.

Add Antifreeze

  • Add antifreeze. The plumbing system needs antifreeze to keep it in good condition during freezing months, and there are different ways to do this depending on what kind of new or used RV you have. Our service department can help, so contact us if you have questions about this step.

Deep Clean

  • Clean it up! Remove all remaining food from the pantry, strip the linens from all beds, and make sure any cabinets that have anything a pest might smell is completely empty and wiped out – remove OTC medicines and toothpaste from the bathroom, and any snacks from your RV’s outside kitchen.

RV Winterization

  • Wipe down surfaces, clean the windows, and sweep/vacuum the floors.

Check for Damage

  • Check for damage or any needed repair. Schedule RV service for anything that needs repair, like your slides, seals, roof, or tires. If you put your RV in storage with existing damage, you’ll wind up with even costlier repairs in the spring and possibly damage that gets worse during the cold months. Even if you don’t see any specific damage, schedule some routine end-of-year RV service.

RV Winterization

  • Prevent pests. Cover up those vents and other places of entry! Say no to raccoon surprises when you pull your RV out of storage in the spring by blocking their entry now!
  • Put your RV on blocks. This helps take weight off the tires.

By correctly winterizing your new or used RV now, you’ll get your 2021 travels off to a safe start in road-ready condition. Winterizing your RV isn’t difficult at all, but it does need to be a priority. Contact us today if we can help!

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